Portland's Eastside Synagogue
Congregation Shir Tikvah is a mid-sized independent congregation. Our founders envisioned a participatory, learning community and we work hard to fulfill that promise. At just over 20 years old, we're the "start up" in Portland's Jewish community.
Our neighborhoods are diverse and so are our supporters. They come from across the Jewish spectrum: Jew-by-birth, Jew-by-choice, queer, straight, trans, interfaith, atheist, devout believer. We welcome all who want to grapple with the beauty and contradictions of our sacred texts to better understand our faith, our world and our place in it.
Shir Tikvah means "song of hope". We gather strength from each other and our tradition: strength to hope and act for a better world, city, and community.
Until the Willamette River parts for Portland’s Jewish community to cross the divide,
the liberal, independent Shir Tikvah remains the east side’s only full-time shul.
Rabbi Ariel Stone’s casual congregation is serious about social justice and
Torah Study, complete with fresh bagels and heated banter.
- Portland Monthly
A Jewish Prayer for Palestine
As Jews, we pray for their well-being in accordance with our Torah’s command: “you shall not stand by as your neighbor bleeds”.
May we live to see the day when Jews and Arabs will live in the land we call holy, together, and in peace.Our freedom is bound up with the freedom of all others. May we work toward a day of tikkun that frees Palestinians from the darkness of oppression.
אֱלֹהִ֖ים יְהִ֣י א֑וֹר וַֽיְהִי־אֽוֹר - Elohim said Let There Be Light, and there was light.
May we create light that brings hope to the descendants of Hagar, and so to our ancestral home, and may we live to see peace over all Israel. Amen.
Adapted by Rabbi Ariel Stone from a prayer created by Matah Adler, on ritualwell.org.
*VaYikra (Leviticus) 19.16
*B'reishit (Genesis) 1.3
Rabbi's Erev Shabbat Message
We exist to create space for the central mitzvot of תורה (Torah), עבודה (Prayer and Ritual), and גמילות חסדים (Doing Kindness).
For up-to-date listings of all of our gatherings for prayer, ritual, learning and activities, please check our calendar.
Guests: You are welcome to request zoom links, or sign up to join our weekly newsletter, by contacting our office.
We follow the Jewish ethic of caring for the most vulnerable of our community; therefore continue to require vaccination and boosting. We will also provide high quality masks for those who require them in order to participate in our community gatherings.
If you are feeling ill, please stay home and away from others.
Health authorities have recommended the following source for ongoing information about the pandemic.
Weekly Zoom Events
Members: visit the Zoom Links page in the member log-in section of the site for the Weekday Zoom Minyan (Mondays and Wednesdays at noon) and the Erev Shabbat candle lighting (Fridays at sunset in the winter; check the calendar for the exact time).
Guests: contact the office for zoom links!
Fri, February 21 2025
23 Shevat 5785
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 21 |
Feb 22 |
Feb 22 |
Feb 23 |
Feb 23 Jewish Identity in the 21st Century Sunday, Feb 23 10:30am |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Mishpatim
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 21, 5:30pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22, 6:38pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Feb 22 |
Building Address: 2420 NE SANDY BLVD, PORTLAND, OR 97232
Mailing Address: 1631 NE BROADWAY ST, #314, PORTLAND, OR 97232
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